With both the existence of pure theory and applied evidence supporting the plausibility of the UFO extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH) – where the UFO remains a UFO after appropriate expert analysis has failed to find a more terrestrial explanation – lets look at a few snippets of the phenomena this time, my observation that when it comes to greater credibility for the reality of the UFO phenomena in general and the ETH in particular, earlier is better.
The UFO phenomenon is now well over 60 years old. The public in this 21st Century has been well and truly saturated with UFO stories, mythology and lore. Thus, if Mr. or Mrs. Joe Blow Public reports anything UFO related today, well they have had a lot of previous bits and pieces to draw on – assuming they are making things up. However, if Mr. or Mrs. Joe Blow Public reported something from 1947, say through 1952, then that public saturation with all things ufological must have been quite a deal less. Thus, earlier reports seem to me to be more, all else being equal, credible – far less media, Hollywood, etc. coverage that could have had influence on the public mind.
That’s of course not to say that everything post 1952 is bunk and junk. There have been many substantial solid cases over the most recent five decades. It’s just the percentage of those types of cases, relative to the total, was probably higher and slightly more credible before the mythology solidified.
Abductions are an exception as the typical UFO abduction case didn’t exist in the 40’s and 50’s; ditto astronaut sightings. But on balance, I’d place greater reliability and credibility in those earlier cases. One other reason for doing so is that today’s CGI digital processing and manipulation of images can provide mind-boggling (but fake) UFO film and photographic ‘evidence’. It was much harder to fake images in the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s.
With respect to the alien abductions subset of the UFO puzzle, that first case that reached the public has to be pretty convincing since there was no previous UFO abduction mythology for the abductees to draw off of. That first case takes imagination – if indeed it was imaginary. That second case, well we’ve all heard to term ‘copycat’. That’s not to saw all subsequent abduction cases are copycat phoneys, but once the overall scenario is out of the bag, that’s always a possibility that can detract from the credibility of them.
So, again, earlier is better as a very general rule of thumb.
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