An apparent phenomena associated with UFOs is collectively known as alien abductions where humans are kidnapped briefly for seemingly experimental medical research purposes oriented around human genetics and reproduction. Implants are often alleged so that the aliens can keep tabs on previous victims in order to do follow-up abductions. These aliens are commonly and collectively known as the ‘Greys’ even though there are often more than one body type reported. So, have you been abducted by the ‘Greys’ and if so, to what end?
I’ll start with the assumption that the UFO alien (‘Greys’) abduction scenario can be expressed as real reality as opposed to all-in-the-mind reality. Far too many people, people from all walks of life; all nationalities, cultures, ages (though younger is more common), male and female, have over far too long a period, with far too much consistency to have the real reality of these horrific abduction experiences questioned. If these people had been associated with just about any other experience, it would be like so much boring ‘ho-hum’.
Not that there’s of necessity anything really new-under-the-sun with respect to ‘alien’ abductions. Mythologies from even very ancient times and from around the world are full of pseudo-‘Greys’ – collectively we call them the wee-folk; fairies, pixies, elves, even demons who can, and do abduct and do nasty things to their human victims, things often involving aspects of a sexual nature.
At this point, I should note that the wee-folk or fairy folk collectively encompass a fairly wide range of humanoid appearances – one size does not fit all. Ditto that for UFO-related alien beings – one size does not fit all; not all extraterrestrials are identical in appearance that is. In fact, there are a wide range of UFO occupants or ‘ufonauts’ reported, not just the traditional ‘Greys’, though many of the other types have been reported outside an abduction context, whereas the ‘Greys’ are seemingly a universal reference point when abduction scenarios are recalled.
These traditional abduction ‘Greys’ tend to be on the short side (3 to 5 feet tall); with a grey rubbery skin colour; usually anaemic appearing humanoids without any hair; they have large heads; very large wrap-around black eyes (their most distinctive feature) with no associated eyebrows, lashes or lids; hardly any fleshy nose, or prominent lips, a slit for a mouth, no teeth or even prominent ears to speak of. The ‘Greys” have a very frail and thin appearance, an overall musculature that would make any 98-pound weakling look like Charles Atlas by comparison. With fewer digits than humans, they also show no obvious bone structure like ribs or hips or other fleshy bits like breasts or nipples or bums. All up, I often wonder if it takes more imagine coming up with the overall picture of the traditional ‘Grey’ than it would to imagine something a bit more human – if imagination it be.
For better or worse, the image of the ‘Greys’ have become the stereotype we now associate aliens as so being. So if I confine myself to the term the ‘Greys’, everyone should have an understanding, an image, of what we’re dealing with. So I’ll just go along with convention and call all ‘ufonauts’ the ‘Greys’, just like I guess you can call men, women, children, infants, blacks, whites, the elderly, the young, tall or short, fat or skinny, hairy or bald, the ‘Humans’.
So much for labelling, what about rational explanations? You can’t deny the phenomena, but it just can’t be really real, so by process of elimination the ‘reality’ must be of the all-in-the-mind kind, and mental images can appear very real indeed. Nightmares can induce very real physiological reactions for example.
However, IMHO, any blanket attempt at an alternative, more prosaic explanation(s) ends up being just about as ‘far out’ or as whacko or as pseudo as an actual alien abduction scenario. If of course the abduction phenomenon has no basis in real reality, then the basis must be in unreal reality. Therefore, millions of people who claim to have been abducted are delusional, prone to fantasy, mentally ill, hallucinating, on mind-bending drugs, smoking the ‘good stuff’, and any and every other ‘all-in-the-mind’ category you care to think up. If they be nightmares, how come so many people from unrelated walks of life share these near identical nightmares, and why by anything one holds to be rational would any person dream up such horrible images in the first place?
Now based on pure statistical probability, a reasonable proportion of these ‘nut cases’, if ‘nut cases’ they be, are leading otherwise apparently quite normal lives – quarter acre block, home ownership, a white picket fence, two car garage, a spouse, children, club membership, and all the sorts of things one equates with your average Mr. & Mrs. John Doe suburbanite. Many of these people on pure probability are in positions of relatively high responsibilities – bank managers; policemen; company executives; military officers; teachers; local, state even federal politicians; health professionals; social workers, etc.
Odds are that you know someone who is a closet UFO abductee. They may not know it themselves, but if they do know it (and for fairly obvious social reasons they’ll keep quiet about it); therefore you don’t know that they are one of THAT type. But you, in your ignorance, think this someone (friend, work colleague, neighbour, family relation, etc.) is an all around good Joe (or Jane) and perfectly normal. And you are probably quite right in thinking so.
Since the initial Betty and Barney Hill UFO abduction case surfaced back in the mid-1960’s, not the first recorded abduction but the first one publicised in the mass media, millions of people, according to polls, have confessed to the possibility, probability and certainty of their having been abducted by alien beings, again usually called the ‘Greys’, for purposes not usually to their liking (as if abduction or involuntary kidnapping by aliens could ever be termed likable). So, how did those polled positive know that they had been singled out for attention by extraterrestrials? What are the signs?
#1) Something is screwy somewhere: You may vaguely recall some sort of fuzzy UFO related incident – a sighting of an unidentified flying object, at least unidentified as far as you were concerned – that keeps nagging at the back and deepest recesses of your mind. Something happened; you don’t know what, but it causes unease, something you can’t quite put your finger on. You’re troubled and you don’t know why.
#2) Do you have unexplained or unaccounted for scars (or injuries)? Nearly all the time, if you have a major scar (or injury), you absolutely know about the event that caused it. Maybe it was a routine medical operation; maybe an accident; maybe in a moment of despair and self-inflicted. What’s highly unlikely is that you should have one or more major scars on your body that you can not account for; you haven’t a clue about who caused it; what caused it; why it was caused, where it was caused, even when it was caused - ditto for injuries. It’s a bit strange to go to bed without a sprained ankle only to wake up with one!
#3) Do you experience nosebleeds? I gather we all suffer an occasional nosebleed like when we get, deliberately or accidentally, punched in the nose! Sometimes we blow our nose too vigorously and rupture some of the blood vessels in the nose. However, what do you make of going about your normal routine, usually close on waking up, arising and starting the day’s activities, then all of a sudden you start dripping nasal blood, and not from both sides but just one. What if it happens again and again at regular or irregular intervals and always, without exception, from just one nostril?
#4) Akin to 2) and 3) above, do you find unaccounted for blood on your pillow and/or sheets upon waking up?
#5) Do you when waking up feel more tired than you were before you went to sleep – a form of chronic fatigue syndrome? How many people can identify with fairly often, not everyday, but all too often for comfort, waking up more exhausted than when you initially went to sleep? The rational here is that if you think you got say eight hours sleep, but because of the abduction (which you don’t remember) you actually got only four hours sleep, then you’re going to be really tired in the morning without knowing why.
#6) Do you have unaccounted for restless nights? Well most nights you have a reasonably peaceful sleep. Some night you don’t – too must stress; over indulgence; perhaps coming down with the flu; nightmares. Most mornings you wake up and the bed covers (sheets, blankets, etc.) are as you’d expect – pretty much in place. Sometimes however they are a dishevelled mess. Well, that’s okay unless you can’t account for why you would have had reason or cause to have had an ultra-restless night. You aren’t stressed; you didn’t have anything unusual to eat or drink; you’re not ill or becoming ill. You conclude that something is screwy somewhere.
#7) Do you have, or have you recently developed an interest in the subjects of UFOs, ancient astronauts, and/or exobiology (life in the universe) including SETI – the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence – even though such topics fall outside the mainstream of your long term and well established interests?
#8) Do you have dreams, that you know are really dreams, that are often UFO or alien themed?
#9) Do you have resonance with images of UFO aliens (the ‘Greys’) that you may see in films or on the cover of books?
#10) Now not all accounts of abductions happen at night and in the bedroom, but that seems to be the situation in the majority of cases. One other clue from that scenario is walking up to find your bedclothes are on inside-out and/or back-to-front-and-front-to-back.
#11) Other relevant data points might include a family history of abduction claims, or if you identify with some of the points above and you fall into the younger age brackets, that’s a sign too. Aliens tend not to pick and choose the over-the-hill-and-off-the-pill aged pensioners.
#12) Now you might be one of those individuals who have near total recall and absolutely know that you have been paid a visit(s) by aliens, in which case the above points are irrelevant! However, in most cases, the abduction scenario comes out after unknowing victims seek out professional assistance in coming to terms with one or more of the above signs. Such assistance usually ends up with hypnotic sessions that bring to the surface those deeply buried subconscious images of your abduction.
Getting up-close-and-personal with myself for a moment, how do I relate to the above criteria? Well, #2-#6, and #9 would be a ‘yes’ – the rest, not really. However, even based on that, I make no claim of being an actual victim of the ‘Greys’. However, I can’t, in all honesty, based on the above, rule it out. Why me, if me indeed? Not a clue – not the foggiest idea. I haven’t actually sought out professional assistance to verify one way or another if I’ve been a victim of the ‘Greys’ because 1) there’s nothing I can do about it if affirmative or prevent it from happening again, and 2) I really don’t care one way or another. Yes or no doesn’t make me anymore or less human or unique or special than I already am.
To be continued...
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