Here are some further thoughts about that July 1947 Roswell “flying saucer” that crashed or crashed-landed outside of that town, with some additional emphasis on the prosaic Project Mogul explanation that explains all – not.
Continued from Part Two.
Other Stuff: Reports and scuttlebutt of a second crash and crash site and alien bodies, while interesting, are actually surplus to needs and contributes nothing further to evidence provided by the Roswell incident that extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI) exists, or at least existed in July 1947. They just muddy the waters with extraneous information. A second crash site and alien bodies go beyond the information given in the original Lt. Haut press release which is the actual smoking gun document. In fact given the history of deliberate misinformation and disinformation being fed to all and sundry by the powers-that-be, I wouldn’t be entirely surprised if information regarding a second crash site and alien bodies were deliberate misinformation and disinformation feeds from those powers-that-be to help discredit the original Roswell story by tainting the entire topic as so over-the-top as to have it lose all credibility in the eyes of all and sundry.
Some sceptics might argue that the prime document doesn’t exist since all copies of Haut’s press release were ordered to be confiscated, or otherwise collected back from which they had been distributed. That retrieval done, the offending document copies were then destroyed. However, the original Roswell information didn’t get into the media (local, national and international), both in print and audio (recording of radio broadcasts exist) by magic. The media didn’t dream this up as an April Fools Day prank. The press release existed; Colonel Blanchard ordered it; Lt. Haut wrote it up on information provided by Colonel Blanchard and then hand-carried and delivered it to the two local Roswell newspaper offices and the two radio stations where it took off with a life of its own. You can’t get the worms back into the can once the can is opened (or the cat back into the bag).
Museum Pieces: If the Roswell debris were just the remains of a weather balloon, or the now declassified remains of a Project Mogul balloon, there’s absolutely no reason why the powers-that-be shouldn’t put those actual remains on display in a museum, say the Air Force Museum or the Air & Space Museum . It would make a really popular attraction given all the publicity Roswell has generated. I’ve never seen any documentation that the debris was ever disposed of in the rubbish bin. It still should exist.
However, if the Roswell debris were actually the remains of extraterrestrial technology then it should be obvious to Blind Freddy why it’s not on public display. Since it’s not on public display, well you can come to your own conclusion as to why.
I bring up the topic of museums because it has been asked of me what definitive piece of UFO evidence would I see fit to put into a museum as an exhibit and evidence, even proof of extraterrestrial visitations for the whole wide world to see. As to what I would put in the Powerhouse Museum, or the Air Force Museum or the Air & Space Museum, etc. it would be the debris from the Roswell incident – if I had it. I don’t, but the American Government does, so why don’t you folks out there kindly ask the powers-that-be to place it there – assuming they are through with it of course. I bet if they did it wouldn’t be anything that originated from Project Mogul.
Scepticism & Double Standards: Can anyone show me the evidence that Roswell actually is (not might be) explainable by Project Mogul. No one can do it. People who accept the Project Mogul explanation have to rely 100% on the say-so of others. They (Roswell sceptics) appear to have swallowed hook, line and sinker the (third version of the) official Roswell explanation without raising a single sceptical eyebrow. They just have to (and they apparently do) take officialdom’s word for it. Why - obviously because they are so biased against Roswell having any ETI connection (they say there’s no evidence that Roswell = ET) that any alternative explanation no matter how absurd it is, is preferable even though that explanation also lacks any evidence. Professional sceptics tend to be old enough and worldly enough not to be so naïve as to believe that the powers-that-be (and that’s ANY administration of any country) always tells people – including Roswell sceptics - the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Might I cite the U-2; the Pentagon Papers; the recent NSA eavesdropping issue, etc. as just a few case histories where the powers-that-be didn’t give a stuff about anyone’s right to know.
There seems to be a philosophy regarding Roswell that it is perfectly acceptable to be sceptical in the extreme when it comes to an ET explanation, yet exhibit not one sceptical body bone or issue one sceptical peep when it comes to alternative explanations given by officialdom. They just put their otherwise sceptical brains into neutral gear. Scepticism, even for the professional sceptics, flies out the window when something comes along that is compatible with or reinforces whatever philosophical worldview that person has.
Of course in other times and places skeptics no doubt would have substituted UFOs for something like ‘can black holes actually and not just theoretically exist’ (“no”) or debated against those who advocated the existence of atoms or of antimatter or of neutrinos (all once very theoretical and iffy). In biology would skeptics have argued against the survival of the coelacanth into the present or in archaeology against the reality of Troy ? Probably yes. Why? Guess what? Scientists are human beings with deeply entrenched worldviews just like you or me. They have vested interests. They can’t for years and years publicly say X and then suddenly turn around and say not-X. They are subjected to peer-pressure. To get grant money they have to tow the establishment line. Surely most of you have heard of the philosophy that science only really advances because the old farts finally die off making room for the next generation with different worldviews, who in turn become the entrenched old farts who eventually get replaced by another generation, etc.
One Final Puzzlement: One thing puzzles me in a funny-peculiar not funny-ha-ha way. It’s a discrepancy I’ve never seen anyone else pick up on. If you read the original Roswell AAF press release or read the first accounts in the media (say the Roswell Daily Record, 8 July 1947) you will get phrases like “flying saucer”; “flying disk”; “disk was recovered”; “found the instrument”; “recovered the disk”; “inspected the instrument”; “saucer’s construction, or it’s appearance”; “gain possession of a disk”; “the flying object landed”; “the rancher stored the disk”; “the disk was picked up at the rancher’s home”, etc. Note that the words “crashed” or “crashed landed”; “debris”; “wreckage”; “pieces”, etc. never appear. That’s odd and I’m not sure what to make of it since how do you ascertain something is a “disk” if everything is in bits and pieces. It may have absolutely no significance at all.
The Roswell incident is on the public record and has ample documentation.
You have numerous prime adult witnesses that handled the Roswell debris.
You have multi secondary witnesses (involved but who didn’t see or handle the debris).
No sceptic has ever demonstrated that any witness has been anything other than a solid citizen – many being officers in the US Army Air Force.
No sceptic, not even the USAF can say with 100% assurance and give absolute proof that a non-extraterrestrial explanation is the be-all-and-end-all of the Roswell case whether that prosaic explanation is a weather balloon or a Project Mogul balloon.
The essential question is, IMHO, if Roswell really happened the way it did according to Brazel, Blanchard, Marcel, Haut, etc., if Roswell has a bona fide extraterrestrial explanation, what are the implications?
Conclusion: Roswell = Mogul? Mogul is a nonsense answer. No matter how you slice and dice it, it’s still balloon material. If you find one scrap of balloon material or stuff that pretty much gives the game away, no matter what else is attached. Keep in mind it was the purpose of the mission, not the materials that was classified. I repeat, if senior military personnel cannot distinguish balloon debris from a crashed metallic disc, something is screwy somewhere. It’s like an astronomer not being able to distinguish the sun from the moon – pretty implausible. Further, why did the powers-that-be wait until 1995 to come out with the Mogul theory as the ultimate Roswell explanation? You can’t possibly tell me that the project was only declassified some fifty years after the fact when its usefulness and purpose was worthless the minute the U-2 and then orbiting satellites started monitoring the Soviet Union . No, Mogul is pure bovine fertilizer; deliberate misinformation.
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