Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Against the Grain

The basic themes to be explored in ‘All Things Extraterrestrial’ include:

Regarding cosmology: There was a ‘before the Big Bang’. The Big Bang was not a quantum event. Space and time are infinite. The Universe is expanding throughout existing space; space itself is not expanding. There is a Multiverse.

Regarding astrobiology: Panspermia is probably the most likely explanation for terrestrial’s origin of life. Microbial life is very common throughout the cosmos; complex (multicellular) life somewhat rarer; intelligent life rarer still but not by any means nonexistent.

Regarding extraterrestrials: The time it takes to explore and colonize our galaxy is a small fraction of the age of our galaxy. E.T. has had a massive head start on us. Part and parcel of E.T.’s exploration was that Planet Earth was discovered many, many eons ago.

Regarding mythology: The monotheistic God and the polytheistic gods existed, but not as supernatural deities but as flesh-and-blood extraterrestrials we now call ‘ancient astronauts’. God was just one of the gods. Collectively they tend to have a thing for genetic engineering. Ancient astronauts ‘created’ mankind via artificial selection from primate stock as well as a whole host of hybrid beings we associate with mythology. They remain with us today – via the hardcore UFOs – still performing genetic engineering – the abduction scenario.

The offbeat: There’s a strong possibility we exist as simulated beings in a virtual reality.

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