When it comes to mythology, my basic premise is that anytime you have near universal themes between wildly dispersed in space and/or time cultures, ethnic groups, nationalities, whatever, then you sit up and take notice that something more than just human imagination is at work.
We all know the standard history that leads to you and me. There was the origin of the Universe; an origin to our solar system and Planet Earth. Then there was an origin of life event; biological evolution, ultimately creating multi-cellular life forms, the plants, invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. The mammals diversified into lots of types, one of which were the primates, that branch we evolved from. Somewhere around eight thousand years ago humans became ‘civilized’, and the rest, as they say, is history. While accurate in broad brush form, I think there are a few twists and turns that provide a reasonable alternative to our history, from the Big Bang through to the UFO. You see, we forgot to include extraterrestrials in our big picture.
The concept that once-upon-a-time, a time long, long ago, an extraterrestrial civilization’s beings held sway and had influence over humanity has gained stature. We call those ancient beings the ‘gods’, even ‘God’. Collectively, they are now known by the popular phrase ‘ancient astronauts’. While that concept has just about zero credibility with scholars (vested interests perhaps), the general populace has had a far more open mind on the issue, at least judging from the popularity of books, movies, TV shows, documentaries, etc. that discuss the issue.
When it comes to the concept of ‘ancient astronauts’ mythology when coupled with astrobiology, well that combination forms a greater dynamic duo, a more profitable source of material, explaining all relative to that of pure archaeology and related artefacts. Thusly, in dot-point form, here are some central facets leading to the mythology behind ‘ancient astronauts’, starting with concepts central to astrobiology.
*Once upon a time, 13.7 billion years ago, there was the Big Bang event. Actually there was a before the Big Bang, but that’s not relevant to the tale or scenario that follows.
*Fast-forward to 10 billion years ago, and natural physical processes produced the Milky Way Galaxy (and lots of others besides, but they don’t feature in this scenario).
*Within a quick-smart time frame, lots of super-massive first generation stars in our galaxy blew up as supernovae spewing through interstellar space the heavy elements required for biology – oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, etc. These heavy elements became incorporated in 2nd generation stars, even further enriched in 3rd generation stars.
*By the time our own third generation star, Sol, formed with accompanying solar system and it’s third rock from the star (Planet Earth), 4.5 billion years ago, our Milky Way Galaxy was already 5.5 billion years old, more than enough time to have generated extraterrestrial life, intelligence, and advanced technologies capable of subliminal interstellar space travel.
*My basic premise therefore is that at least one, probably many, extraterrestrial civilizations have ventured out into interstellar space even before our own star, solar system, and home planet ever existed, and that trend continues.
*A few Type-II advanced technological civilizations exist within our Milky Way galaxy. A Type-II civilisation is one that can harness the energy output of an entire star.
*They have subluminal interstellar spaceflight capacity.
*Subluminal interstellar spaceflight violates no laws of physics.
*The time it takes to cross from one edge of the Milky Way galaxy to another is a small fraction of the age of the galaxy even via subluminal velocities.
*It is likely, even highly probable that Planet Earth was discovered by one or more such Type-II civilizations many, many millennia ago. You can’t hide or cloak a star, solar system and planet.
*These Type-II civilized interstellar travelling beings arrived on Earth in one or more spaceships way before humans existed.
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