Exobiology was the original term given to the sciences central to the question of life-in-the-Universe. It’s now been largely replaced by Astrobiology, but I’ll stick with the original. Assuming one or more extraterrestrial civilizations with advanced, interstellar spaceflight capability exists; then they know about Planet Earth. Say ‘hi’ to those pesky UFOs, at least one of which came down to earth, with a thud. There is considerable evidence one bona fide UFO crash retrieval at least – Roswell (1947). IMHO, there is a case to be answered here, that to date has not been answered satisfactorily about what really happened in early July, 1947.
I don’t wish to say too much about the Roswell, N.M. case (July 1947), other than to point out that the then US Army Air Force (AAF) admitted publicly, in the media, in newspapers, on radio, that they had captured one of those mysterious (and only recently sighted – the modern UFO era was just weeks old) flying discs. No amount of back-pedalling can alter that now historical fact. It’s on the public record. Look it up yourself!
Clearly something crashed/landed in New Mexico in July 1947. That’s not under any doubt. Clearly the RAAF (Roswell Army Air Field) admitted it had captured a flying disk. That’s not under any dispute. Clearly the RAAF (or on orders from higher USAAF authority– US Army Air Forces) changed the story the next day to one of retrieval of a downed weather balloon. That’s not under dispute. The (now) USAF has in fact changed its story a couple more times in the decades since. It’s still a balloon, but now one that was top secret (keeping in mind it was the mission, not the materials that were secret), and bodies were test crash dummies. Now I would maintain that military personnel would be able to tell the difference between balloon materials, and wreckage from a metallic flying disc. How could they get it so absolutely originally wrong? I would maintain that ‘the little old lady from Pasadena ’ could differentiate between the two. The post original crashed disk USAAF/USAF explanations are absurd. Further, we have statements, including death bed affidavits from key witnesses that reiterate that there was debris from a crashed disk and non-human bodies in evidence. That’s not in dispute either. While there’s a lot of mythology surrounding Roswell, and not all the story has been fully told, there would seem little doubt that Roswell is as close to a ‘smoking gun’ as we have. And it only takes one out of multi-hundreds of thousands of UFO reports to seal the evidence for the existence of at least one ETI.
But wait, there’s more, and I’m not making any of this up. Firstly, forget the dozens of after-the-fact investigators into Roswell and their tomes. The only thing that really counts here is first hand, on-the-spot, eye-witness accounts. When it comes to that, the name Marcel should ring your bells and whistles.
Major Jesse Marcel (Senior) was the Army Air Force (AAF) as it was then called, military officer directed to investigate the report of some mysterious debris scattered outside of town. Now to achieve a rank of Major, in the military, suggests you’ve been around for a while. You’re not some newly commissioned greenhorn Second Louie. It suggests that one is competent enough to distinguish wheat from chaff. So, Major Marcel (Senior), upon on-site investigation of this crashed debris, became so excited that he actually took some of the debris home to show his family, waking up his young child (Jesse Marcel, Junior) in the middle of the night. It’s the sort of thing a SETI scientist might excitedly do if s/he received ‘that’ signal. Afterwards, of course, that, and all the other debris was collected by and turned over to the local AAF. Because of the unusual and highly suggestive other-worldly nature of the debris, the base commander ordered his public relations officer to issue a press statement that the AAF at Roswell had collected the crashed remains of one of these new fangled flying discs. Within 24 hours, higher authority directed that the story be changed and what had actually been recovered was a weather balloon. Major Marcel, the base commander and the press officer, being dutiful military types, just followed orders and said nothing – then. The actual debris was then flown off-site, off the Roswell base, first to Texas (where real weather balloon bits were displayed for a press conference), hence onwards elsewhere, but has apparently vanished now off the face of the Earth, unless of course it is still stored under classified wraps.
That a Major in the US AAF somehow could not tell the difference between debris from a crashed weather balloon (or even in yet another turnaround about-face, a Project Mogul balloon trail – well it’s still just a balloon) and a metallic crashed disc is too implausible or incredible to believe or take seriously. It’s like saying a SETI scientist couldn’t tell the difference between Morse Code and the radio hiss from the Big Bang’s cosmic microwave background radiation!
But wait, there’s more! After Marcel (Senior) retired from the military, he went public with his side of the story – weather balloon? Not a snowballs chance in Hell. His son, 11 years old at the time daddy woke him up, became a medical doctor and also a career military officer. But he now too has spoken out publicly and written about his, and his father’s encounters with what they both termed not-of-this-world technology. Marcel (Junior) remembers vividly that night and that material from the crashed disc collected by his father.
You can find relevant interviews with (now the late) Jesse Marcel (Senior), and his son, Dr. Jesse Marcel (Junior) on YouTube.
The Roswell AAF base commander (Colonel William Blanchard) was never reprimanded or disciplined for ordering the ‘crashed disc’ press release. In fact he eventually rose to the rank of that of Four-Star General.
The First Lieutenant, Walter Haut, who actually issued that press release, also issued a death bed affidavit attesting to the accuracy of the actual (no weather balloon) Roswell events. That affidavit can be found on the Internet at the following address: (http://roswellproof.homestead.com/index.html).
Finally, the biggest ‘giggle’ factor detrimental to Roswell credibility are the reports of the alien bodies recovered. Why this should be so is beyond me for if UFOs are ‘manned’ by aliens, and if a UFO crashed, then it stands to reason that there will be alien bodies too – alive or dead. Of course one could argue that maybe the UFOs aren’t ‘manned’, but remote controlled drones – we have such things ourselves. Maybe the alien is actually a form of extraterrestrial artificial intelligence – an onboard machine intelligence that controls/pilots the UFO, and resulting crash debris one couldn’t tell the difference between the remains of the ‘pilot’ from the rest of the nuts and bolts. But back to the bodies – by analogy, on balance, it would seem odd for an airliner to crash and there be no bodies. I find the idea of ‘alien bodies’ to contribute no extra ‘giggle’ factor to the Roswell incident.
One large factor in the Roswell story is the alligations of official governmental cover-up at the highest levels. This actually makes quite logical sense. If you come into possession of advanced extraterrestrial technology, you’re not going to share that with anyone, not even your closest allies, as many times in the history of our civilization, your ally today is your enemy tomorrow. That aside, once you decide to withhold that titbit of information, you’ve painted yourself into a corner. It becomes very awkward, in any sort of diplomatic sense, to have to admit later on down the track that you withheld something from your closest allies. It’s better just to keep your collective mouths firmly shut.
Finally, why, after over six decades on, if the Roswell incident has been so satisfactorily explained by the powers-that-be, is the issue, the explanation, their explanation, still something that’s topical and being debated.?
Further readings on Roswell :
Berliner, Don & Friedman, Stanton T.; Crash at Corona : The U.S. Military Retrieval and Cover-Up of A UFO; Paragon House, New York ; 1992:
Berlitz, Charles & Moore, William L.; The Roswell Incident; Grosset & Dunlap , New York ; 1980:
Carey, Thomas J. & Schmitt, Donald R.; Witness to Roswell : Unmasking the 60-Year Cover-Up; Career Press, Franklin Lakes , New Jersey ; 2007:
Corso, Philip J. & Birnes, William J.; The Day After Roswell ; Pocket Books, New York ; 1997:
Eberhart, George M. (Editor); The Roswell Report: A Historical Perspective; Center for UFO Studies, Chicago ; 1991:
Hesemann, Michael & Mantle, Philip; Beyond Roswell : The Alien Autopsy Film, Area 51, & the U.S. Government Coverup of UFOs; Michael O’Mara Books Limited, London ; 1997:
Klass, Philip J.; The Real Roswell Crashed-Saucer Coverup; Prometheus Books, Amherst , New York ; 1997:
Korff, Kal K.; The Roswell UFO Crash: What They Don’t Want You To Know; Prometheus Books, Amherst , New York ; 1997:
Marcel, Jesse (Jr.) & Marcel, Linda; The Roswell Legacy: The Untold Story of the First Military Officer at the 1947 Crash Site; New Page Books, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey; 2009:
McAndrew, James & Weaver, Richard L.; The Roswell Report: Fact Versus Fiction in the New Mexico Desert; Headquarters United States Air Force, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC; 1995:
Moore, Charles B., Saler, Benson & Ziegler, Charles A.; UFO Crash at Roswell : The Genesis of A Modern Myth; Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington , DC ; 1997:
Randle, Kevin; Roswell UFO Crash Update: Exposing the Military Cover-up of the Century; Global Communications, New Brunswick , New Jersey ; 1995:
Randle, Kevin D. & Schmitt, Donald R.; The Truth About the UFO Crash at Roswell ; Avon Books, New York ; 1994:
Randle, Kevin D. & Schmitt, Donald R.; UFO Crash at Roswell ; Avon Books, New York ; 1991:
Shawcross, Tim; The Roswell File; Bloomsbury, London ; 1997:
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