Exobiology was the original term given to the sciences central to the question of life-in-the-Universe. It’s now been largely replaced by Astrobiology, but I’ll stick with the original. Assuming one or more extraterrestrial civilizations with advanced, interstellar spaceflight capability exists; then they know about Planet Earth. Say ‘hi’ to those pesky UFOs. The Big Question is, is there an official UFO cover-up? There are many people who have investigated this issue and decided the question in the affirmative. Are they right?
It might be somewhat possible for one country’s government to keep one or a few UFO incidents (crashes, etc.) that by chance fell into their laps first under wraps and hence keep their citizens in the dark as to the reality of extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI). And the motive, as hinted in a previous essay, is with respect to the utilization of acquired alien technology. However, in the broader context, it staggers the imagination to suggest or believe that every government, and subsequent change of government, elected or otherwise, including every knowledgeable government official over 60 years, in every country in the world, would or could conspire collectively to do the same. The odds that every nation would pursue that same policy independently are so great as to also stretch credibility.
Since it all boils down to knowledge held by individuals, over the years one would have to believe that thousands to tens of thousands of those in-the-know wouldn’t blow the biggest story of the millennium, especially when on their death beds. If just one current (or ex) prime minister/president/premier/king, etc. in just one country changed sides and spilled the beans…
In any event, no individual, no government, no country has any control over what ETI may, or may not, do. If Roswell had been Central Park in New York City in broad daylight, who could cover it up? If UFOs choose to hover over major inhabited locations, ala “Independence Day”, what official, government or country could prevent their citizens from knowing about it?
There are several solutions to the cover-up scenario. Firstly, there are no ETI; therefore no cover-ups were ever necessary. Secondly, ETI might be here, but there have been no UFO incidents, no acquired alien technology that have required the perceived need for an official cover-up. Thirdly, there have been UFO incidents, but so few and far between that a long term cover-up was possible. Lastly, there is a global conspiracy policy, a co-operation carried out by every nation in the world since day one to prevent the great unwashed from learning about the existence of ETI (for whatever reason – prevent panic, etc.), and there have been no deviations from that policy ever and no rouge individuals bucking the system for fame or fortune or because it was the right thing to do.
While one of the first two alternatives seems most probable, I think there is enough evidence to make the third alternative the most credible. Certainly the last one is so far out in left field that in fact it’s right out of the ball park.
Further readings:
Dolan, Richard M.; UFOs and the National Security State : Chronology of a Cover-up 1941-1973; Hampton Roads, Charlottesville , Virginia ; [Revised Edition] 2002:
Dolan, Richard M.; UFOs and the National Security State : The Cover-up Exposed 1973-1991; Keyhole Publishing, Rochester , New York ; 2009:
Friedman, Stanton T.; Top Secret / MAJIC; Marlow & Company, New York ; 1996:
Good, Timothy; Need to Know: UFOs, the Military and Intelligence; Sidgwick & Jackson, London ; 2006:
Kean, Leslie; UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go On the Record; Harmony Books, New York ; 2010:
Maccabee, Bruce; UFO FBI Connection: The Secret History of the Government’s Cover-Up; Llewellyn Publications, St. Paul , Minnesota ; 2000:
Randle, Kevin D.; Project Bluebook Exposed; Marlowe & Company, New York ; 1997:
Redfern, Nicholas; A Covert Agenda: UFO Secrecy Exposed; Simon & Schuster, London ; 1997:
Steiger, Brad (Editor); Project Blue Book: The Top Secret UFO Findings Revealed; Ballantine Books, New York ; 1976:
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